









We are dreaming ofFDUV summer art camps


Högsand beach in Hankoo, 2019. 

I worked as an art workshop leader at two art and theater camps in the summer of 2019. The camps were organized by FDUV, which is a non-profit organisation for Swedish-speaking persons with intellectual disability in Finland. 

One camp lasted for one week, which included workshops, a visit to Raseborgs summertheater, enjoying the warm weather and spending time together. It all ended with probably the best Disco night ever ❤️️.

The theme of the workshops was ‘We are dreaming of’ and we started off with thinking about what dreams mean and why dreams play an important part in life. Every workshop attendee got to make their own impretation of what they dreamt of, or what dreams meant to them by making ‘a painting of their dreams’. The paintings were exhibited at G18 in Helsinki at the end of 2019. 

The Art Club- Åbo svenska arbetarinstitut


Still life sketching, Åbo arbis, 2017

I worked at The Swedish Adult Education center of Åbo in fall 2017. The group I worked with was called ‘Konstklubben’ (The art club), an artclass for people with different levels of disabilities. 

We worked with themes related to organic materials and architecture, visited museums and worked in various artistic methods, such as drawing, painting and sculpting. 

By working with this group I learned a lot about compassion and staying true to yourself and others around you. 

This group was always ready to question my teaching and welcomed me to the group with open hearts. They are probably the reason why I decided to start studying art education, so I’m very thankful for this experience. ❤️️

Other teaching & workshop experience


I worked as a part-time teacher (arts, among other things), school assistant and afternoon club instructor at Pernå Kyrkoby primary school for two years in 2012-2014.

I have also held some artistic workshops for children and adults at Lovisa medborgarinstitut between 2013-2017

In the beginning of 2021 I held an ‘after work painting workshop’ together with Emilia Linnavuori for ‘Artsylot’ (a group of adults who want to paint and spend time together). 

I also make substitutes at primary schools and worked as an Art Educator for ‘Taidetestaajat’ at Amos Rex art museum in fall 2021. I have made internships at Espoon Kuvataidekoulu and Myllypuro comprehensive school. 
